211 Reaction and Reactor Engineering
Lecturer: Dr. Xijun Hu (Room
4557; Tel: 2358 7134;
Email: kexhu;
web: http://ihome.ust.hk/~kexhu)
· To understand the
basic concepts and principles homogeneous and heterogeneous reaction processes
· To develop the
skills to solve the reactor design problems
Fogler, H.S. “Elements of
Chemical Reaction Engineering”, 4th ed., Prentice
Hall, 2006.
Levenspiel, O., “Chemical
Reaction Engineering”, 3rd ed., Wiley,
Smith, J.M., “Chemical
Engineering Kinetics”, 3rd ed., McGraw Hill, 1981.
Lee, H.H.,
“Heterogeneous Reactor Design”, Butterworth, 1985.
C.N., “Heterogeneous Catalysis in Industrial Practice”, 2nd ed.,
McGraw Hill, 1991.
Assignments: 20%
3 Quizes: 30%
Introduction to Chemical Reaction Engineering
1: General introduction
General definition; importance of
the subject.
Overall plan.
2: Review of the concepts of reaction kinetics
Classification of chemical reaction
Concepts of reaction rate constant, reaction order,
Elementary and non-elementary reactions, multiple
reaction: parallel/series.
Examples illustrating the basic concepts of
activation energy.
Definition of conversion and mole
balance equation.
UNIT 2: Homogeneous System/Homogeneous
Reactor Design
1: Isothermal reactors design
Single ideal reactors: CSTR, batch, plug flow
reactors. Stoichiometry relationship. Analysis of total pressure data obtained
in a constant-volume system.
Reaction rate law expressed as a function of
conversion. Concept of space velocity and residence time.
Multiple reactor system. CSTR and plug flow reactors
in series/parallel, different size and type.
General design structure of
isotheral reactors.
2: Collection and analysis of rate data
Batch reactor data: differential
and integral methods.
Method of initial rates.
Method of half lives.
Evaluation of laboratory reactors.
Experimental design. Examples.
3: Non-isothermal reactors design
Thermodynamics of chemical reactions: heat of
reaction, chemical equilibrium.
Energy balance of CSTR, plug flow and batch reactors
at steady state. Adiabatic and non-adiabatic design.
Multiple steady states. Heat removed and heat
generated in CSTR. Ignition and extinction curves.
Equilibrium conversion: adiabatic temperature and
equilibrium conversion. Optimum feed temperature and progression.
Multistage non-isothermal operation, cold-shot
4: Non ideal reactors
Distribution of residence times (RTD) for chemical
reactors, pulse input, tracer experiments.
Characteristic of RTD integral relationship, mean
residence time, normalized RTD function, integral age distribution.
RTD and chemical reactors: CSTR and plug flow.
Analysis of non-ideal reactors: modeling real
reactors with combination of ideal reactors, model of CSTR and tubular
reactors, segregation and dispersion model.
UNIT 3: Heterogeneous System/Heterogeneous
Reactor Design
1: Introduction of catalytic system
Definition of catalysts. Properties and principal
Concept of physical and chemical adsorption on solid
surface and their importance in catalysis.
Requirements for an industrial catalyst.
2: Kinetics of catalytic reactions
Dependence of reaction rate on
surface area and gas volume.
Mechanism of a catalytic reaction: adsorption
isotherm, surface reaction, desorption. Rate limiting step.
Synthesizing a rate law mechanism and rate limiting
step. Examples.
Evaluation of the rate law parameters. Deducing and
finding a mechanism from experimental observation. Examples.
Module 3:
Diffusion and reaction in porous media
Importance and origin of catalyst
pore structure. Experimental methods for investigating pore structure.
Reaction regimes. Mass transport of gases through
Diffusion and reaction in catalyst pellet.
Derivation of the first order differential equation.
Internal effectiveness factor. The effect of
intrapellet mass transfer on observed rates.
Effect of external diffusion on heterogeneous
reactions. Overall effectiveness factor.
Estimation of diffusion and reaction on limited
regimes. Weisz-Prater criterion for internal diffusion. Mears criterion for
external diffusion.
4: Catalyst deactivation
General mechanism of catalyst
deactivation. Concept of chemical physical deactivation and sintering.
Kinetics, mechanism and regeneration.
Finding the mechanism of decay from experiment.
The importance of catalyst deactivation at
industrial scale. Examples.
5: Design of catalytic reactors
Commercially significant types of
heterogeneous catalytic reactors. Advantages and disadvantages.
Design of a fixed bed reactor. Reactor modeling: one
and two dimensional models.
Design of a moving bed reactor.
Design of a fluidized bed reactor.